Friday, December 10, 2010

Cataclysm Reputation Tabards (New Zone and Old World)

So after doing some research, I have not found any posts on ALL(most) of the brand new tabards since 4.0.1 patch. Here is a list that may help many of you. I may make a post soon on rewards for the repuation you earn. I will try to list Alliance and Horde tarbards. If I have missed some please comment below and let me know.

Old World Faction Tabards

Darnassus Champion's Tabard                                 Stormwind Champion's Tabard

Orgrimmar Champion's Tabard                                Ironforge Champion's Tabard

Darkspear Champion's Tabard                                Silvermoon Champion's Tabard

Gnomeregan Champion's Tabard                             Exodar Champion's Tabard

Bilgewater Champion's Tabard                                Gilneas Champion's Tabard

Cataclysm Faction Tabards

Tabard of Ramkahen                                            Tabard of the Wildhammer Clan

Tabard of Therazane                                            Tabard of the Earthen Ring

Tabard of the Dragonmaw Clan                            Tabard of the Guardians of Hyjal

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