Friday, January 14, 2011

Magmaw Trash Guide - Magmaw Guide in Cataclysm

Over the holidays I as gone and working on gearing up for heroics then for raids. Now that im close to raiding i hoped into a guild raid run. We started on Magmaw. Although we didn't down the boss (only got 5 attempts in) I felt really good about the our preformance. We just had some position and DPS issues. I'm a healer so things were pretty smoothe and the area of mechanics. I do have a couple items I'd like to share about the raid.

1st - The are three mobs before you take a shot at Magmaw. One mob can be pulled solo. All 3 have a charge stun and HIT LIKE A TRUCK. They also stun the tank after charge stun. So the first add just stack near tank and heal and dps it down.

For the next 2 mobs, they are pulled together. We used 2 tanks, 2 heals (myself(shaman) and resto druid), and 6 dps (5 ranged and 1 melee). Have each tank hold an add on the other side of the room. The charge stun is on the furtherest person away from the mob. This why only the 2 tanks are getting charged on oppisite sides of the room. Have your heals and dps stack in the middle between the 2 tanks. That why they are never being charged. Heals will need to use BIG heals and dps will need to dps fast to cut down on the number of charges aswell as downing the adds before the healer go OOM (because they are using large healing spells). There is some addition damage to other raid memeber but tank are taking the most.

2nd - Magmaw has a LARGE hit box. BE VERY CAREFUL not to right click around the room becuas eyo umay accidently aggro the boss

3rd - Magmaw did alot more raid damage then expected. Be ready for that heals. We single DK tanked Magmaw. After 2 attemptes we added pally heals. This was to help with just tank heals who taes a considerable amount of damage.

4th - When piller of flame lands on the ground you have 2SECONDS to move; so GTFO. You need to snare the larva when spawned. We used the frost mage and hunters traps. Typhoon and thundrerstorm would work but we didnt have any. DPS them down ASAP as pillar of flame is every 30 sec. This was our down follow, the DPS of the adds and people not moving even when announced on vent.

Thats it for now. Here are a couple of videos to help you with the fight and the adds.


MAGMAW GUIDE (this is the 25-man version, it is the same as the 10-man)

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