Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Brake

Sorry for the lack of post all. I am in minnesota on XMAS brake. After January 5th I'll be back up to the usual posting.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

New Cataclysm Mounts

Here is a list of some of the new Cataclysm mounts.
Spectral Steed
Spectral Steed - Alliance Mount

Dark Phoenix 

Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank
Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank          
 Drake of the West Wind - Alliance
Drake of the West Wind - Alliance
Volcanic Stone Drake
Volcanic Stone Drake
Tan Riding Camel
Tan Riding Camel

How do I get Recipe: Vial of the Sands? The alchemy drake mount!

After much research I think I may have found out the topic I have been looking for. (PLEASE NOTE: the drake and recipe or BoP as of the recent hotfix on Dec.17, 2010. It is no longer BoE.)

How do I get the drake mont from alchemy?

Well couple of things you need to know. First, it is VERY exspensive and rightfully so. Its a mount that can carry a friend. And second, you need to find the recipe.

Well, you ask, how much is it? Where is the recipe?


Pyrium-Laced Crystalline Vial (1x5000g)
Vendor Item - "Sold only by Yasmin in Uldum"
Sands of Time (8x2700g)
Vendor Item
Truegold (12)
Flask of the Winds (8)
Flask of Titanic Strength (8)
Deepstone Oil (8)
~~~ TOTALS ~~~
Pyrium-Laced Crystalline Vial x1
Sands of Time x8
Albino Cavefish x6
Crystal Vial x16
Whiptail x192
Cinder Bloom x96
Azshara's Veil x96
Volatile Life x96
Volitile Fire x120
Volitile Air x120
Volitile Water x120
Pyrite Ore x72 OR {Elementium Bar x144 + Volitile Earth x144}

Time costs:
  • 35+ hours leveling/searching archy in order to hit max and find the pattern in uldum.
  • 10+ hours herbing to level alch/produce the flasks and violatiles involved.
  • 2 hours fishing to get the fish for the deepstone pots
Gold costs/opportunity costs:
  • 29k vendor mats
  • 16k+ in Truegold (Just post launch prices)
  • 2k in flasks
  • 160g in oil
  • 10 blown transmute cooldowns (around 5.5k gold on my server at the bare minimum)
  • unable to sell truegolds for 5k+ first day of expansion.
so just taking these base costs I put my grand total at:
  • 52,660 Gold
  • if I add Gold per hour opportunity cost from my farmer ( around 500g/hour on average) in order to accuire the pattern/craft it.
  • 76,160 Gold!  (taken from WarcraftEcon)
So as you can see, this is very exspensive. Now one thing to note. If you are a goblin, vendor items will less exspensive due to the goblin racial. Also, once your guild reaches level 24, you will then rescieve an additional 10% discount. (It wont be for a while till your guild reaches that level due to the blizzard guild level mechanics.)

Recipe Discovery

The Recipe: Vial of the Sands is found through "discovery". Now what does that exactly mean? Well if you played BC or WotLK like I did, it typically mean some sort of research you level throgh leveling alchemy. There is always a random chance to learn a random recipe. The cool down on the research is usually long so it could take days or weeks before you discover the recipe since its random. In catayclsm though, THIS IS NOT THE CASE!!! You will not find out Recipe: Vial of the Sands through Alchemy.

Recipe: Vial of the Sands is found through ARCHAEOLOGY!!

(PLEASE NOTE: It says it in the Quick Facts. "Smart loot: Only available to players that have the profession and don't already have the recipe." You have to be an alchemist to discover this recipe.)

You need to be at least 450 archaeology and in Uldum/Tol'vir.
(see the short guide below)

A Handy Guide for those who haven't started Archaeology:
  • Training Arch allows you to see Dig Sites on the two old world continents.
  • There will always be 4 Dig Sites on a continent at any given time
  • Once you mine out a dig site it respawns at a randomly selected location on that continent
  • The Canopic Jar that drops this recipe is completed from Tol'vir Digsites
  • Tol'vir dig sites are only in Uldum, and require a skill of 450 to spawn
  • There are 4 Tol'vir dig sites and 52 across all of Kalimdor, meaning when you mine out a Kalimdor dig site it has a 1/13 chance of spawning a Tol'vir dig site which contain 9 or 12 fragments
  • There are 6 common Tol'vir artifacts requiring 45 fragments each to complete, you will not be able to get repeats until you've completed them all once
  • The Canopic Jar has a, currently unknown, % chance to drop the recipe. Most reports are of people not getting it on the first or second try, so likely less than 50%
So, what does this mean? Well, pick you Archaeology and start saving money. My plan is to start creating my mats and saving money. Find the recipe and create the mount when my guild reachs level 24. It will cost less and I am not in need of the mount right away.

Good luck to all! Hope this helps. As always, if I am off on any of my reseach please inform me.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Slowed Playing Time

Recently I have need some slowed playing time. Time to spend with my wife. Time to catch up on Job Training, ect. With the holidays starting up. One would think I would be on more. After all I am a teacher and have alot of time off. But you may see a decease in post. There shouldn't be but you might not see as many. Just keep checking back. I'll let you know how the WoW experience is going.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I rolled a 3! REALLY!

So last night I had some time to play on my hunter (cheapskate) and I happened to get into The Vortex Pinnacle. I must say it is an awesome dungeon. As I was running through the dungeon the Healer and Tank ended up leaving after the first boss. (I am willing to bet they where farming some sort of loot from the first boss; as they here indeed guildies.) Anyways, I teleported out to quest as we know that 3 dps in a group will take a awhile to que up again. After about 15 minutes I popped back in and started the rest of the dungeon. Altairus was the next boss. Now according to Atlas Loot he has a chance to drop [Reins of the Drake of the North Wind] on heroic mode. SO.... it dropped to my surprise. I ROLLED A 3!!! WTF!!! end of story.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Cataclysm Reputation Tabards (New Zone and Old World)

So after doing some research, I have not found any posts on ALL(most) of the brand new tabards since 4.0.1 patch. Here is a list that may help many of you. I may make a post soon on rewards for the repuation you earn. I will try to list Alliance and Horde tarbards. If I have missed some please comment below and let me know.

Old World Faction Tabards

Darnassus Champion's Tabard                                 Stormwind Champion's Tabard

Orgrimmar Champion's Tabard                                Ironforge Champion's Tabard

Darkspear Champion's Tabard                                Silvermoon Champion's Tabard

Gnomeregan Champion's Tabard                             Exodar Champion's Tabard

Bilgewater Champion's Tabard                                Gilneas Champion's Tabard

Cataclysm Faction Tabards

Tabard of Ramkahen                                            Tabard of the Wildhammer Clan

Tabard of Therazane                                            Tabard of the Earthen Ring

Tabard of the Dragonmaw Clan                            Tabard of the Guardians of Hyjal

Trying out a New Worgen

So usually I play horde characters. Only Babytonkz has been an Alli then I faction changed her. So I had a few minute's before bed so I decided to check out the worgen. Scanning through the character customization screen I decided on a Death Knight. Not only because it looks cool but they start at 55. Now I vowed to never play a Death Knight but I may play around a little bit because it seems like I should have good knowledge about all classes. I'll post some pictures when I get home but I should be a fun alt to level.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

"How to discover Cataclysm dungeons?" A Guide to Discovering New Dungeons in Cataclysm

Like myself, many of you are wondering, "How to I que for dungeons in Cata?" Well Blizzard made it so that you must discover the dungeon before you can que up for the dungeon. Also there are required average item levels for many of the dungeons as well. So I have started a guide to "How to discover Cataclysm dungeons?"

Blackrock Cavern
The entrance is just off of the main ring in Blackrock Mountain on the non-jumping path to Blackrock Spire. When you enter the dungeon from Burning Steps go right and it will be on your right. But the best way to get to Blackrock Caverns is to start with the quest on the board in Orgimar. Right in the middle of valley of strength, to the left of the AH, there is a quest. Start the quest line and your will go to Mount Hyjal. You will then pick up a quest to that will have you travel to the middle of the map. You then take a "gopher" machine to Blackrock Caverns. Either way you will need to discover it.

The Throne of Tides
To enter The Throne of Tide you will need to start the quest chain right as you enter the game. Then eventually you will take the boat outside of Orgimar. Exit Org and run towards skull rock. Wait for the boat. When you arrive I suggest you start the quest line. Reason being, it is a good idea to get your sea legs and seahorse mount. This makes traveling very easy. Either way you need to fly or ride to the spot marked below. Swim straight down into the swirling water and you will be in a cavern with The Throne of Tides. to leave this place you will need to talk to the NPC near the stone. You will be teleported out. You could hearth as well.

The Stonecore
The Stonecore is can be accessed if you are 82. Begin the quest in Orgimar on the same board I talked about earlier. You will take a brief flight to Maelstrom. When you fall in you will need to mount up and fly to the spot located on the map below. You will fly about half way up the temple and see the instance ans stone on the west side. You will also need an averge item level of i272 to enter this dungeon through the dungeon finder.

The Vortex Pinnacle
The Vortex Pinnacle can be accessed earlyier then it lets you in the Dungeon finder but you will have to get your own group together. The vortex Pinnacle is located in Uldum. I suggest you grab the quest from the board in Org then you will have to take the flight path all the way down to Tanaris. Once in Tanaris go southwest and grab the second part of the quest. Follow the caravan and watch a  cinematic. Then once you break out of  the cage, mount up and fly southeast, but fly high. It is a floating building over the water. Just check out you map or the one below. NOTE: it may also be a great idea to discover the entrance to the raid( Throne of the Four Winds) dungeon and other dungeon (Halls of Origination) as well. 

More to come.....

Warcrat Cataclysm: World First Player to 85!

I follow many people on YouTube and it just so happens one of the people (Athene) reached World First 85 first. Check out some of his videos. Super funny!

Inscription Inks as of Cataclysm for Glyphs

Well I have recently created a list that is easier for you to use all you inscriptionist out there. I am at work right now so I will up date it later. Like I have done, just copy and paste this and place it somewhere you can see it. Make is easy for you to track down certain mats for those glyphs you need.

Inscription Ink and Mats

Ivory Ink / Moonglow Ink - [Alabaster Pigment] - Peacebloom, Silverleaf, Earthroot

Midnight Ink / Hunter’s Ink - [Dusky Pigment] / [Verdant Pigment] - Mageroyal, Briarthorn, Swiftthistle, Bruiseweed, Stranglekelp

Lion’s Ink / Dawnstar Ink - [Golden Pigment] / [Burnt Pigment] - Wild Steelbloom, Grave Moss, Kingsblood, Liferoot
Jadefire Ink / Royal Ink - [Emerald Pigment] / [Indigo Pigment] - Fadeleaf, Goldthorn, Khadgar's Whiskers, Dragon’s Teeth

Celestial Ink / Fiery Ink - [Violet Pigment] / [Ruby Pigment] - Firebloom, Purple Lotus, Arthas'Tears, Sungrass, Blindweed, Ghost Mushroom, Gromsblood

Shimmering Ink / Ink of the Sky - [Silvery Pigment] / [Sapphire Pigment] - Golden Sansam, Dreamfoil, Mountain Silversage, Sorrowmoss, Icecap

Ethereal Ink / Darkflame Ink - [Nether Pigment] / [Ebon Pigment] - Felweed, Ragveil,Terocone, Ancient Lichen, Nightmare Vine, Netherbloom, Mana Thistle, Dreaming Glory

Ink of the Sea / Snowfall Ink - [Azure Pigment] / [Icy Pigment] - Icethorn, Lichbloom, Fire Leaf, Fire Seed, Tiger Lily, Adder's Tongue, Deadnettle, Goldclover, Talandra's Rose
Blackfallow Ink / Inferno Ink - [Ashen Pigment] / [Burning Embers] - Cinderbloom, Stormvine, Azshara’s Veil, Heartblossom, Whiptail, Twilight Jasmine, Deathspore Pod