Thursday, December 9, 2010

"How to discover Cataclysm dungeons?" A Guide to Discovering New Dungeons in Cataclysm

Like myself, many of you are wondering, "How to I que for dungeons in Cata?" Well Blizzard made it so that you must discover the dungeon before you can que up for the dungeon. Also there are required average item levels for many of the dungeons as well. So I have started a guide to "How to discover Cataclysm dungeons?"

Blackrock Cavern
The entrance is just off of the main ring in Blackrock Mountain on the non-jumping path to Blackrock Spire. When you enter the dungeon from Burning Steps go right and it will be on your right. But the best way to get to Blackrock Caverns is to start with the quest on the board in Orgimar. Right in the middle of valley of strength, to the left of the AH, there is a quest. Start the quest line and your will go to Mount Hyjal. You will then pick up a quest to that will have you travel to the middle of the map. You then take a "gopher" machine to Blackrock Caverns. Either way you will need to discover it.

The Throne of Tides
To enter The Throne of Tide you will need to start the quest chain right as you enter the game. Then eventually you will take the boat outside of Orgimar. Exit Org and run towards skull rock. Wait for the boat. When you arrive I suggest you start the quest line. Reason being, it is a good idea to get your sea legs and seahorse mount. This makes traveling very easy. Either way you need to fly or ride to the spot marked below. Swim straight down into the swirling water and you will be in a cavern with The Throne of Tides. to leave this place you will need to talk to the NPC near the stone. You will be teleported out. You could hearth as well.

The Stonecore
The Stonecore is can be accessed if you are 82. Begin the quest in Orgimar on the same board I talked about earlier. You will take a brief flight to Maelstrom. When you fall in you will need to mount up and fly to the spot located on the map below. You will fly about half way up the temple and see the instance ans stone on the west side. You will also need an averge item level of i272 to enter this dungeon through the dungeon finder.

The Vortex Pinnacle
The Vortex Pinnacle can be accessed earlyier then it lets you in the Dungeon finder but you will have to get your own group together. The vortex Pinnacle is located in Uldum. I suggest you grab the quest from the board in Org then you will have to take the flight path all the way down to Tanaris. Once in Tanaris go southwest and grab the second part of the quest. Follow the caravan and watch a  cinematic. Then once you break out of  the cage, mount up and fly southeast, but fly high. It is a floating building over the water. Just check out you map or the one below. NOTE: it may also be a great idea to discover the entrance to the raid( Throne of the Four Winds) dungeon and other dungeon (Halls of Origination) as well. 

More to come.....

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