Saturday, December 11, 2010

I rolled a 3! REALLY!

So last night I had some time to play on my hunter (cheapskate) and I happened to get into The Vortex Pinnacle. I must say it is an awesome dungeon. As I was running through the dungeon the Healer and Tank ended up leaving after the first boss. (I am willing to bet they where farming some sort of loot from the first boss; as they here indeed guildies.) Anyways, I teleported out to quest as we know that 3 dps in a group will take a awhile to que up again. After about 15 minutes I popped back in and started the rest of the dungeon. Altairus was the next boss. Now according to Atlas Loot he has a chance to drop [Reins of the Drake of the North Wind] on heroic mode. SO.... it dropped to my surprise. I ROLLED A 3!!! WTF!!! end of story.

1 comment:

  1. Haha...thats great. I bet the person who got didnt even need it.
